New Business Award

Barrie Business Awards 2024 | Barrie Chamber of Commerce


The New Business Award honours a Barrie company that has been operational for 1-3 years and has made a significant impact on the local economy and community. This accolade considers:

  1. Business Expansion: Proof of increased sales, staff, and customer acquisition.
  2. Community Contribution: Support that improves the well-being and economic vitality of the community.
  3. Innovation: Demonstrated innovation in business strategies, products, or services.

Criterion Weight
Company Overview 9.0%
Value Proposition 11.0%
Key Achievements in the Past 20.0%
Key Success Factors 19.0%
Future Goals 9.0%
Community Involvement 9.0%
Letters of Reference 7.0%
Overall Impression 11.0%
Video Impression 5.0%